Sermon & Music Archives

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1/12/25 "46th Anniversary Admonitions"
• Luke 5:1-11

1/05/25 "The POTTER Knows the CLAY"
• Jeremiah 18:1-6; Isaiah 64:8

12/29/24 "Get In On What God's Doing!"
Matthew 14:22-33 • Youth Sunday for Dec.

12/22/24 Christmas Theme #4 Finale
"A Baby Changes Everything"
• Micah 5:2; Matthew 1:18-25

12/15/24 Christmas Theme #3
"Serving With Shepherds" • Luke 2:7-20

12/08/24 Christmas Theme #2
"The Prophecy Of Zacharias" • Luke 1:67-79

12/01/24 Christmas Theme #1 Mary's Song of Praise: "The Magnificat" • Luke 1:46-56

11/24/2024 "Beware-Bumpersticker Religion"
• I John 4:1-6
Youth Sunday for November

11/17/2024 "Heaven, What You Must Know"
• John 6:51; Revelation 21:6; 22:17
#9 "Heaven and Hell" Sermon Series

11/10/2024 "A Lifetime Of Memories In Hell"
• Luke 16:25
#8 "Heaven and Hell" Sermon Series

11/03/2024 "SEASONS" • Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
Guest Evangelist Garrett Fitch

10/27/2024 "Heaven, The Better Country" • Hebrews 11:8-16; II Peter 3:18
#7 "Heaven and Hell" Sermon Series

10/23/2024- "The Chilling Saga For a Shipwrecked Church"
• I Timothy 1:19-20 • MBC Fall Revival #6

10/22/2024- "Pointers from the Pomegranate"
• Exodus 28:31-35 • MBC Fall Revival #5

10/21/2024- "If I Had 5 Minutes in the Oval Office"
• I Kings 18:1-2 • MBC Fall Revival #4

10/20/2024- 10 AM "The Heart Wide Revival"
• Psalm 51:10-14 • MBC Fall Revival #1
11 AM "Today's Pulpit is Sadly Silent Towards..."
• II Timothy 4:2-5 • MBC Fall Revival #2
6 PM "When The Church Gets A Second Wind"
• Acts 2:1-3 • MBC Fall Revival #3

10/13/2024 "The Rich Man In Hell"• Luke 16:19-31
#6 "Heaven and Hell" Sermon Series

10/06/2024 "Heaven, The City Of Fascination"
• Rev. 21:9-27
#5 "Heaven and Hell" Sermon Series

9/29/2024 "The Inhabitants Of Hell"
• Revelation 21:8; I Cor. 6:9-12
#4 "Heaven and Hell" Sermon Series

9/22/2024 "Heaven, The City Of No Mores"
• Revelation 21:1-8
#3 "Heaven and Hell" Sermon Series

9/15/2024 "Is There Really A Hell?"
• Isaiah 5:14; 14:9, Luke 16:19-31
#2 "Heaven and Hell" Sermon Series

9/08/2024 "Heaven"
Luke 10:20; John 14:1-6
#1 "Heaven and Hell" Sermon Series

9/01/2024 "The Judgment Seat Of Christ" Romans 14:9-19
#9 Judgment Is Coming Series

8/25/2024 "The Great White Throne Judgment" Revelation 20:11-15
#8 Judgment Is Coming Series

8/18/2024 "Certainty Of Judgment to Come" Ecclesiastes 3:17; 8:11-13; 12:13-14
#7 Judgment Is Coming Series

8/11/2024 "Announcement Of Judgment to Come" Ecclesiastes 11:9-10; Amos 4:12-13
#6 Judgment Is Coming Series

8/04/2024 "Criteria Used On Judgment Day III"
Revelation 20:11-15; I Corinthians 3:11-15
#5 Judgment Is Coming Series

7/28/2024 "Criteria Used On Judgment Day II"
Revelation 20:11-15; I Corinthians 3:11-15
#4 Judgment Is Coming Series

7/21/2024 "Criteria Used On Judgment Day"
John 12:48; Revelation 20:11-15
#3 Judgment Is Coming Series

7/14/2024 "The Judge On Judgment Day"
Daniel 7:9-10; Acts 17:30-31
#2 Judgment Is Coming Series

7/07/2024 "A Goodly Heritage"
Psalms 16:1-11 - God & Country Rally

6/30/2024 "The Fact Of Judgment Day"
Acts 17:30-31 #1 Judgment Is Coming Series

6/23/2024 "An Angel Visits John"
Rev. 22:10-17 #17 Encounters with Angels

6/16/2024 "God's Testimony of Abraham"
Genesis 18:16-22 - Father's Day '24

6/09/2024 "An Angel Visits Paul"
Acts 27:21-26 - #16 Encounters with Angels

6/02/2024 "Standing In Our Place" II Chronicles 34:31-33 - 25th Church Family Anniversary

5/26/2024 "How I Want To Be Remembered"
II Peter 1:12-15 - Memorial Day

5/19/2024 "An Angel Delivers Peter"
Acts 12:1-11 - #15 Encounters with Angels

5/12/2024 "A Great Woman"
Mother's Day 2024, II Kings 4:8-17

5/5/2024 "An Angel Visits Cornelius"
Acts 10 -#14 Encounters with Angels

4/28/2024 "An Angel Visits Zechariah"
Zechariah 4:1-14 -#13 Encounters with Angels

4/21/2024 "Strength For The Journey"
I Kings 19:1-8 -#12 Encounters with Angels

4/14/2024 "The Angel In The Lion's Den"
Daniel 6:16-28 -#11 Encounters with Angels

4/07/2024-6PM "Princes Among Us" -
Dr. Tommy Trammel • I Timothy 2:1-7

4/07/2024-10-11AM "Princes Among Us" -
Dr. Charles Keen • John 1:35-39
Dr. Tom Wallace • Col. 3:1-2; Phil.4:8

3/31/2024 "His Resurrection, Our Redemption"
Romans 10:1-13

3/24/2024 "A Day Of Triumph"
Matthew 21:1-11

3/17/2024 "Manoah His Wife & The Angel"
Judges 13:15-25

3/10/2024 "An Angel Visits Manoah's Wife"
Judges 13:1-21

3/03/2024 "Gideon's Gift To An Angel"
Judges 6:17-27

2/25/2024 "From Gideon To Jerubbaal"
Judges 6:11-16;32

2/18/2024 "An Angel's Message"
Judges 2:1-7

2/11/2024 "Dialogue With A Donkey"
Numbers 22:21-35

2/04/2024 "The Angel Of God Visits Moses" Exodus 3:1-10

1/28/2024 "Wrestling With An Angel"
Genesis 32:22-32

1/21/2024 "Rescued By Angels" Genesis 19:10-17

1/14/2024 "Hagar and Her Heavenly Visitor"
Genesis 16:7-14

1/07/2024 "Going Forward" Exodus 14:10-18

12/31/23 "Looking In Three Directions" Deuteronomy 4:9

12/24/23 "A Baby Changes Everything!"
Micah 5:2; Matthew 1:18-25

12/17/23 "Christmas Time" Luke 1:26-38

12/10/23 "Christmas Reminders" Matthew 1:18-25

12/03/23 "Walking With Wise Men"
Matthew 2:1-13; Proverbs 13:20

11/26/23 "WDWLA One Of The First New Testament Church Services?" - Luke 24:36-53

11/19/23 "Jesus And The Emmaus Believers"
Luke 24:31-35

11/12/23 "WDJTU In The Journey to Emmaus?" Luke 24:13-31

11/05/23 "Things That Happened After Christ Arose From the Dead" Luke 24:1-12

10/29/23 "Things That Happened When Jesus Died On The Cross" Luke 23:44-56

10/22/23 "WDWLF 2 Malefactors" Luke 23:32-43

10/15/23 "The Choice Of Barabbas Instead
Of Jesus" Luke 23:1-31

10/11/23 Revival 5- "Why I Refuse To Release
My Sword Anytime Soon" II Samuel 23:10

10/10/23 Revival 4- "When You Don't Hear
From God" Matthew 15:21-28

10/09/23 Revival 3- "The Right Side Isn't The
Left Side" John 21:6

10/08/23 Revival 2- "My Prayer For A Prodigal Nation" Luke 15:13

10/08/23 Revival 1- "Playing Games At Golgotha"
Matthew 27:33-36

10/01/23 "WDWLW Jesus Faces the Counsel?"
Luke 22:63-71

9/24/23 Special Music & Singing

9/17/23 "WDWL After Jesus Was Arrested?"
Luke 22:54-62

9/10/23 "WDWL When Jesus Was Arrested?"
Luke 22:47-53

9/03/23 "WDWL From Jesus In The Garden
Of Gethsemane" Luke 22:39-46

8/20/23 "WDJTU Just Before Gethsemane?"
Luke 22:35-38

8/13/23 "WDWL From Jesus' Message to Peter?"
Luke 22:30-34

8/06/23 "WDJTU As Last Supper Was Ending"
Luke 22:21-30

7/30/23 Special Music & Singing

7/23/23 "WDJTU Last Supper" Luke 22:14-23

7/16/23 "John Chapter 13-14" John 14:6

7/09/23 "WDJTU Preparing for the Passover?"
Luke 22:7-13

7/02/23 "If My People" II Chronicles 7:14

6/18/23 "I Sought For A Man" Exekiel 22:23-31

6/11/23 "Most Infamous Betrayal" Luke 22:1-8

6/04/23 "Reasons for the Great History of MBC"
II Samuel 23:8-23

5/21/23 "Parable of the Fig Tree" Luke 21:29-38

5/14/23 "A Woman of Canaan" Matthew 15:21-29

5/07/23 "World Conditions and the Return
of Christ" Luke 21:5-7; 27-28

4/23/23 "WDJT About Himself, Judgment Day and Worship" Luke 20:19-47

4/16/23 "When The Message Hits Home"
Luke 20:19-47

4/09/23 "WDWL Jesus on Easter?" Luke 24:1-9

4/02/23 "WDJT on Palm Sunday?" Luke 19:28-40

3/19/23 "WDWL From the Parable of the Vineyard?" Luke 20:9-18

3/12/23 "WDWL From Jesus Weeping Over Jerusalem?" Luke 19:41-48

3/05/23 "Who is the Nobleman?" Luke 19:11-27

2/19/23 "WDJT Who He Is" Luke 19:1-10

2/12/23 "The Story of Zacchaeus" Luke 19:1-10

2/5/23 "Christ's Prediction of Calvary & Ministry in Jericho" Luke 18:31-43

1/22/23 No Services, Snow Day Cancellation

1/15/23 “WDJT A Certain Ruler?" • LK 18:18-30

1/08/23 “Seeing Greater Things" • John 1:43-51

1/01/23 “Need For Resolution" • Luke 16:1-13

12/25/22 “His Unspeakable Gift" • II Cor. 9:15

12/18/22 "The Wise Men" Matthew 2:1-12

12/11/22 "WDJT Concerning Children?"LK 18:15-17

12/04/22 "WDJT Pharisee & Publican?"LK 18:9-14

11/20/22 "WDJSU Thanksgiving?" Lk. 17:11-19

11/13/22 "WDJT Us About Prayer?" Luke 18:1-8

11/06/22 "WDJS Kingdom of God?" Lk. 17:20-37

10/26/22 "Just Keep Plowing" Luke 9:62

10/25/22 "Dont Know What To Do" I Sam 30:3-10

10/24/22 "Thermometer/Thermostat" Ro. 12:11

10/23/22 AM "I See You're Up A Tree" Lk 19:4 - PM "My Dream Revival" Acts 2:16-17

10/16/22 "Jesus-Cleansing 10 Lepers" Lk 17:11-19

10/9/22 "Jesus-Increase Our Faith" Lk 17:5-10

10/2/22 "Jesus-Offences & Forgiveness" Lk 17:1-4

9/18/22 "WDJS About HELL?" Luke 16:19-31

9/11/22 "WDJS-UnJust Steward" Luke 16:1-18

9/04/22 "Lessons From Elder Bro" Luke 15:25-32

8/28/22 "Lessons From A Prodigal" Luke 15:11-24

8/21/22 "Jesus on A Lost Coin" Luke 15:8-10

8/14/22 "Jesus on Lost Sheep" Luke 15:1-7

8/07/22 "Jesus on Winning Souls" Luke 15:1-7

7/31/22 "Jesus on Discipleship" Luke 14:25-35

7/24/22 "Jesus' Parable Great Supper" Lk 14:12-24

7/17/22 "Pharisaical Religion & Humility" Lk 14:1-11

7/10/22 "The Pharisees' Threat" Luke 13:31-35

7/03/22 "Display Our Banners" Ps. 20:5; 60:4-5

6/26/22 "Few That Be Saved? Lk. 13:22-30

6/19/22 "Kingdom Of God Parable" Lk. 13:18-21

6/12/22 "Woman Bound by the Devil" Lk. 13:10-17

6/05/22 "True Commitment" Psalms 37:4-9

5/29/22 "One Requirement For All" Luke 13:1-9

5/22/22 "Calvary-Our Christianity" Lk. 12:49-59

5/15/22 "Jesus About Stewards" Luke 12:41-48

5/08/22 "Mothers Are Wonderful!" Ex. 2:1-9

5/01/22 "Jesus-His Little Flock" Luke 12:32-40

4/24/22 "Jesus On Ravens And Lilies" Lk. 12:22-31

4/17/22 "Christ's Death/Resurrection" Heb. 12:2

4/10/22 "Meeting the Lord's Need" Matt 21:1-11

4/03/22 "Jesus-Unforgivable Sin" Luke 12:10-21

3/27/22 "Jesus-Innumerable Multitude" Lk. 12:1-12

3/20/22 "Jesus On Washing Hands" Lk. 11:37-54

3/13/22 "Jesus On Light & Darkness" Lk. 11:33-36

3/06/22 "Jesus On His Generation" Lk. 11:29-32

2/27/22 "Jesus On Wicked Spirits" Lk. 11:23-28

2/20/22 "Jesus Casts Out A Demon" Lk. 11:14-22

2/13/22 "Jesus On Friendship & Prayer" Lk. 11:5-13

2/06/22 "Jesus Teaches Us To Pray" Luke 11:1-4

1/30/22 "Abiding In Christ" I John 3:1-9

1/23/22 "Danger Of False Religion" I John 2

1/16/22 "WDJTU At Martha's House" Luke 10

1/09/22 "WDJS Being A Neighbor" Luke 10

1/02/22 "Challenge Kindred Spirits" II Kings 10

12/26/21 Special Singing Youth Sunday

12/19/21 Christmas Music Special Extended Play

12/12/21 "Jesus/Certain Lawyer" Luke 10:25-29

12/05/21 "God's Revelation To Man" Luke 21-24

11/28/21 "Old/New Commandment" I John 2:7-14

11/21/21 Special Music and Singing

11/14/21 "Heaven-Need To Know V" Rev. 21-22

11/07/21 "Heaven-Better Country IV" Hebrews 11

10/24/21 Special Music - DaySpring Bible College "Sounds of Grace"

10/17/21 "Heaven-City Of Fascination III" Rev. 21

10/10/21 "Heaven-The City Of No Mores II" Rev. 21

10/03/21 "Thinking of Heaven I" Lk. 10:21-24

8/22/21 Special Singing

8/15/21 WDJT Us Ministry of 70? Luke 10:10-20

8/08/21 "WDJT Us In Sending 70?" Luke 10:1-9

8/01/21 "WDJT Us Foxes & Birds?" Luke 9:57-62

7/18/21 Doug Ramage in Concert

7/11/21 "WWJT Us Correct Disciples" Luke 9:46-56

7/04/21 "WWJD Us For America" Matt. 5:13

6/13/21 "Learn - Bottom of the Hill" Luke 9:37-45

6/06/21 "Preparing For The Prodigal" Luke 15

5/30/21 "Leave a Legacy for God" II Pe. 1:12-19

5/09/21 "The Lady Lydia" Luke 9:21-26

5/02/21 "WDJS Following Him?" Luke 9:21-26

4/18/21 Alone Time W/ His Disciples Luke 9:18-20

4/11/21 "5 Loaves & 2 Fishes" - Luke 9:12-17

4/04/21 "Because He Lives!" - John 14:19

3/21/21 Traveling To Jairus' Home Luke 8:40-56

3/14/21 Land Of The Gadarenes- Luke 8:26-39

3/07/21 WDJT Storm on the Lake Luke 8:22-26

2/21/21 "WDJS Mother & Brother?"-Luke 8:19-21

2/14/21 "WDJT Parable Sower" - Luke 8:1-18

2/07/21 "Run The Race"-Romans 6:6-18

2/03/21 Revival-I Think Myself Happy-Acts 26:2

2/02/21 Rev-Strength,Solice-Stamina Acts 27:44

2/01/21 Revival-Hounds Of Heaven Luke 16:19-23

1/31/21 2021 Revival AM-PM Luke 16:23, Ezek 37

1/17/21 WDJT Us At Pharisee's House? Lk. 7:36-50

1/10/21 "WDJS About Rejection?" Luke 7:29-35

1/03/21 “Still In The Battle” Ephesians 6:10-18

12/20/20 “WWJD For You At Christmas?” Jn.3:16

12/13/20 “Life Of John the Baptist” Luke 7:17-30

12/06/20 “WWJD Widow Of Nain” Luke 7:11-17

11/15/20 “Example Of A Centurian” Luke 7:1-10

11/08/20 “Parable of the Blind Man” Luke 6:39-49

11/01/20 “WDJT Earthly Living” Luke 6:12-38

10/18/20 “Breaking The Sabbath” Luke 6:1-11

10/11/20 Fasting,Old Clothes,Bottles Luke 5:33-39

10/04/20 “Jesus Called Levi” Luke 5:27-35

9/20/20 Jesus Healed Man W/Palsy- Luke 5:16-26

9/13/20 “Jesus Healed A Leper”- Luke 5:12-15

9/06/20 “Preaching From A Ship”- Luke 5:1-11

8/16/20 “Synagogue/Capernaum”-Luke 4:31-44

8/09/20 “Synagogue/Nazareth2”-Luke 4:23-30

8/02/20 “Synagogue /Nazareth”-Luke 4:14-22

7/19/20 “WWJT 40 Days Tempting”-Luke 4:1-13

7/12/20 “Jesus Left at the Temple”- Luke 2:41-52

7/05/20 “Government & Governed”- Rom.13:1-7

6/21/20 “And A Man Shall Be”- Isaiah 32:1-5

6/14/20 “WWJS Following Him”- Matt.10:34-42

6/07/20 “God's Not Done Yet”- Matt.27:50-53

5/17/20 Keep Proper Perspective- Matt. 10:24-33

5/10/20 Deborah, Mother in Israel- Judges 5

5/03/20 Ministry Thru Ages- Matthew 10:16-23

4/19/20 Ministry of Apostles-Matthew 10:1-15

4/12/20 After The Cross-Matthew 28:1-20

4/05/20 Jesus On The Cross #2 Matt. 27:51-66

3/22/20 “Jesus On The Cross” Matt. 27:45-50

3/16/20 Revival #3 -“The 3 Facts of John 3:16”

3/15/20 Revival #2- "Overcome Fear" Psalm 27

3/15/20 Revival #1 -"Seeing More" John 20:1-18

3/08/20 "Multitude at the Cross" Matt. 27:36-44

3/01/20 "Sufferings of Jesus" Matt. 27:27-36

2/16/20 "Jesus Wrote on the Ground" Jn. 8:1-11

2/09/20 "Christ before Pilate" Matt. 27:11-26

2/02/20 "Suicide of Judas Iscariot" Matt. 27:1-10

1/19/20 "Christ's ID Questioned" Matt. 26:63-75

1/12/20 "Looking 3 Directions" Deuteronomy 4:9

1/10/20 "MBC Youth Ralley" I John 4:7-21

12/08/19 "WDJT Caiaphas" Matthew 26:54-65

12/01/19 "WDJT Judas's Kiss" Matthew 26:47-54

11/17/19 "WDJT at Gethsemane" Matt. 26:36-47

11/10/19 “WDJT Sheep Scattered” Matt. 26:30-35

11/03/19 “WDJT Judas Betrayal” Matt. 26:14-30

10/20/19 “WDJT Woman Annoints Him” Matt.26

10/13/19 “WDJS Sheep & Goats” Matt.25:31-46

9/22/19 “WDJT Story Of Talents?” Matt. 25:14-30

9/15/19 “WDJT From Ten Virgins?” Matt. 25:1-13

9/08/19 “WDJT About A Fig tree?” Matt. 24:32-51

9/01/19 “WDJS Daniel's Prophesy” Matt. 24:15-31

8/11/19 “WDJS About Persecution?” Matt. 24:8-14

8/04/19 “WDJS Days Preceding His Return”

7/21/19 "Jesus vs Scribes & Pharisees" Matt. 23

7/14/19 "WDJT Lawyer's Question" Matt22:34-46

7/07/19 "3 Divine Institutions" Ps.11:3; IIChrn.7:14-15

6/16/19 "WWJD Fathers/Families" Mark 9:14-29

6/09/19 "Confronting Sadducees" Matt. 22:23-33

6/02/19 "Pressing On" Philippians 3:12-16

5/19/19 "Entangled In His Talk" Matt. 22:15-22

5/12/19 "WDJD About His Mother" John 19:25-27

5/05/19 "Parable Kings Son Marriage" Matt22:1-14

4/21/19 "Remember At Easter" I Corin. 15:1-8

4/14/19 "WDJT Us Riding A Donkey" Mk. 11:1-11

4/07/19 "Parable Of Householder" Matt.21:33-46

3/27/19 "The Finish Line-Heaven!" Revelation 21

3/26/19 "The God Of All Grace" IPeter 5:1-14

3/25/19 "Love Makes the Difference" Matt.5:31-46

3/24/19 PM "Walking With God" Mark 4:35-5:14

3/24/19 AM "Hell Is Half Full" Proverbs 27:11-20

3/10/19 "WDJT Parable of 2 Sons" Matt 21:23-32

3/03/19 "WDJT Cursing Fig Tree" Matt 21:17-22

2/17/19 "Jesus Entered Temple" Matt. 20:29-34

2/10/19 "WDJT Blind Men?" Matt. 20:29-34

2/03/19 "Zebedee's Children" Matt. 20:17-28

1/20/19 "WDJT About Householder" Matt. 20:1-16

1/13/19 Church closed due to 10" of snow

1/11/19 2019 Area Wide Youth Rally

1/06/19 "Staying By The Stuff" I Sam. 30:21-25

12/16/18 "WW A Wise Men Do?" Matt. 2:1-13

12/09/18 "WWJT Materialistic Life" Matt. 19:23-30

12/02/18 "WWJT Eternal Life" Matt. 19:13-22

11/18/18 "WDJT Marriage & Divorce?" Matt. 19:1-12

11/11/18 "WDJT About Forgiveness?" Matt. 18:21-35

101418 “WDJT Relationships/Church” Ma. 18:15-20

10/07/18 “WDJT About The Lost” Matt. 18:11-14

9/23/18 “WDJT About Greatness?” Matt. 18:1-10

9/16/18 “WWJD About the IRS?” Matt. 17:24-27

9/09/18 “WDJD Desperate Father” Matt. 17:14-23

9/02/18 “WDJT Elijah & John” Matt. 17:10-13

8/19/18 “WDJT Mt of Transfiguration” Matt. 17:1-9

8/12/18 “WDJS About Following” Matt. 16:21-28

8/04/18 “WDJS About His Church” Matt. 16:13-20

7/15/18 “WDJT Us False Doctrine” Matt. 16:1-12

7/08/18 “WDJT Us Feeding 4,000” Matt. 15:29-39

7/01/18 “Restoring Paths to Dwell In” Isaiah 58:12

6/17/18 "Lord Build Your House" Psalms 127:1-5

6/10/18 "WDJS Unwashed Hands?" Matt 15:1-20

6/03/18 "Reminders For The Beloved" I Cor. 15:58

5/20/18 "WDJS Step On The Sea" Matt. 14:22-33

5/13/18 "Being A Great Woman" II Kings 4:8-17

5/06/18 "WDJT Cross Life's Sea" Matt. 14:22-28

5/02/18 "Praiseship" Luke 7:36-47, Psalms 150

5/01/18 "Place By Me On A Rock" Exodus 33:8-21

4/29/18 "Top Of Pillar Lily Work" I Kings 7:13-22

4/15/18 "WWJ Teach Us/Feed 5K?" Mat 14:15-21

4/08/18 "WWJ Teach Us/Ministry?" Mat 13:52-58

4/01/18 "WWJD Sins/World?" Jo.1:29, I Cor. 15:1-8

3/18/18 "WDJS About Fishing Net" Matt 13:47-52

3/11/18 "WDJS Treasure/Pearls" Matt 13:44-46

3/4/18 "WDJS Mustard Sds/Leaven"Matt13:31-33

2/18/18 "WDJS Wheat & Tares" Matt 13:24-30

2/11/18 "WDJS Sowing Seed" Matt 13:1-9, 18-23

2/04/18 "WDJS Seeking For Signs" Matt 12:38-50

1/21/18 "WDJS When Accused Of Serving Satan? Matthew 12:25-37

1/14/18 "WDJT Cornfield Synagogue?" Matt 12:1-15

1/07/18 "Going Forward" Exodus 14:10-18

12/24/17 "The Unspeakable Gift” II Cor. 9:15

12/17/17 "WWJS About Our Cities?" Matt. 11:20-30

12/10/17 "WDJS About Dancing?" Matt. 11:15-19

12/03/17 “WWJS Christians Today?” Matt. 11:1-15

11/19/17 “WWJS Us Thanksgiving?” Luke 17:11-19

11/12/17 “WWJS Christian Life?” Matt. 10:34-42

11/05/17 “WWJS To Families?” Matt. 10:29-37

10/22/17 “WDJS Servant & Lord?” Matt. 10:24-28

10/15/17 “WWJS About Faith?” Matt. 9:18-38

10/08/17 “Sounds of Grace” Dayspring College

10/01/17 “WWJD About Children?” Matt. 18:1-11

9/17/17 “WWJS About Fasting?” Matt. 9:14-17

9/10/17 “WWJD Calling Matthew?” Matt. 9:9-13

9/03/17 “WWJD Healing The Sick?” Matt. 9:1-8

8/20/17 “WWJS...Facing Storms?” Matt. 8:23-27

8/13/17 “WWJS Would-Be Disciple?” Matt. 8:18-22

8/06/17 “WWJD...The Centurian?” Matt. 8:5-13

7/23/17 “WWJD For A Leper?” Matt. 8:1-4

7/16/17 “WWJD Building Lives?” Matt. 7:24-29

7/09/17 “WWJD False Prophets?” Matt. 7:15-23

7/02/17 “WWJD About 2 Directions?” Matt. 7:13-14

6/18/17 “WWJD About Fatherhood?” Matt. 7:6-12

6/11/17 “WWJD Being Judgmental?” Matt. 7:1-5

6/04/17 “WWJD Faithful Church?” Mark 10:28-31

5/21/17 “WWJD Earthly Life?” Matt. 6:22-34

5/14/17 “WWJD For Mothers?” Matt. 15:21-29

5/07/17 “WWJD With Treasure?” Matt. 6:19-21

4/23/17 “WWJD Regarding Prayer?” Matt. 6:7-18

4/16/17 “WWJD on Easter Sunday?” Luke 24:1-9

4/09/17 “WWJD on Palm Sunday?” Matt. 21:1-11

4/02/17 “WWJD In Public Service?” Matt. 6:1-8

3/19/17 “WWJD Helping Daily Life” Matt. 5:31-48

3/12/17 “WWJD Contrast to Moses” Matt. 5:21-30

3/05/17 “WWJD OT Law” Matthew 5:17-22

2/19/17 “WWJD Influence the World” Matt.5:13-16

2/12/17 “WWJD Teaching Beatitudes” Matt.5:1-12

2/05/17 “WWJD Father's Business” Luke 2:49

1/22/17 “WWJD-Regarding Ministry” Matt.4:12-22

1/15/17 “WWJD-Regarding Temptation” Matt.4:1-11

1/08/17 “WWJD-Regarding Baptism” Matt.3:13-17

1/01/17 “Learned By Experience” Gen. 30:27

12/18/16 “Christmas Reminders” Matthew 1:18-25

12/11/16 “The Wise Men” Matthew 2:1-12

12/04/16 “Truth Is Fallen” Isaiah 59:14-15

11/27/16 “How To Have Success” Joshua 1:1-13

11/20/16 “Keep The Heart Right” Ps.51:10; Pr.4:23

11/13/16 “Becoming A Castaway” I Cor. 9:24-27

11/06/16 “The Biblical Challenge” Joshua 24:13-15

10/30/16 “Look Up” Numbers 21:1-9

10/23/16 “The Possible First” Exodus 14:13-14

10/16/16 “This Is The Way” Isaiah 30:18-29

10/09/16 “A Visit With Jesus” Luke 10:38-42

10/02/16 “Children And Adults” Psalm 78:1-8

9/25/16 “Be Part Of Our Victory?” Exodus 17:8-16

9/18/16 “The Power Of Influence” Job 38:31-33

9/11/16 “Living In Victory” I John 4:4; 5:4

9/04/16 “Separated-Special Service” Acts 13:1-7

8/28/16 “WeWeWe All The Way Home” IICor 4:1-3

8/21/16 “Loving The Lord” Psalms 31:23

8/14/16 “Repairing The Breaches” Isaiah 58:12

8/07/16 “Why I'm A Believer” Romans 3:3-4

7/31/16 “The Sufficiency Of Grace” II Cor. 12:1-10

7/24/16 “The Lord's Side” Exodus 32:26-29

7/17/16 “The God We Serve” Daniel 3:17

7/10/16 “I've Made My Choice” Psalms 17:13-15

7/03/16 “What Will Help the USA” I Tim. 2:1-8

6/26/16 “The Whole Duty of Man” Ecc. 12:1-14

6/19/16 “What God Wants In A Man” Ez. 22:30-31

6/12/16 “Running The Race” Heb. 12:1-4, I Cor.9:24

6/05/16 “Remembering The Way” Deut. 8:1-6

5/29/16 “A Living Memorial” Matthew 11:1-15

5/15/16 “HEAVEN” Gospel of John 14:1-6

5/08/16 “Mary & Mothers Today” Luke 2:39-52

5/01/16 “Bright & Morning Star” Rev. 22:16; 2:28

4/24/16 “Gracious Words” Ecclesiastes 10:12

4/17/16 “He Is Alpha And Omega” Rev. 21:6; 22:13

4/10/16 “His Name: The Prince Of Peace” Isa. 9:6

4/03/16 “His Name Is The Mighty God” Isa. 9:6-7

3/27/16 “Believe” (Easter) Romans 10:6-10

3/20/16 “The Triumphal Entry” Matthew 21:1-11

3/13/16 “His Name Is Counsellor” Isaiah 9:6

3/06/16 “Gospel According to Lazarus” Jn 12:1-11

2/28/16 “A Little City” Ecclesiastes 9:13-18

2/21/16 “His Name Is Wonderful” Isaiah 9:6

2/14/16 “He is Worthy” Revelation 4:11

2/07/16 “Word of the Lord: Precious” I Sam. 3:1-21

1/31/16 “Applying the Heart” Ecclesiastes 8:16-17

1/24/16 “Holy Spirit's Leadership” John 16:7-15

1/17/16 “Habakkuk's Prayer” Hab. 3:1-2

1/10/16 “The Victor's Vision” Proverbs 29:18

1/03/16 “There's Something Greater” John 1:43-51

12/27/15 “Things Not Yet Done” Isaiah 46:9-10

12/20/15 “How God Came To Us” Matt. 1:18-25

12/13/15 “Walking With Wisemen” Matt. 2:1-13

12/06/15 “Bowing Before Christ” Phil. 2:5-11

11/29/15 “Taking Hold of This Truth” Ecc. 7:13-18

11/22/15 “Where Are The Nine?” Luke 17:11-19

11/15/15 “Knowing Christ” John 17:3, Phil. 3:10

11/8/15 “After Demonstrating Faith” I Kgs 17:17-24

11/01/15 “Considering The Family” Psalms 78:1-7

10/25/15 “Who Can Tell?” Ecc. 6:10-12

10/18/15 “Giving Ourselves To God” Romans 12:1-2

10/11/15 “The Ethiopian Eunuch” Acts 8:26-40

10/04/15 “Parents And Their Children” Eph. 6:1-4

9/27/15 “The Matter Of Worship” Ecc.5:1-78

9/20/15 “Will You Go?” Genesis 24:58

9/13/15 “Celebrating Grandparents”
Proverbs 17:6; Psalms 92:12-15

9/06/15 “What God Won't Forget” Heb. 6:10-15

8/30/15 “The Better Life” Ecclesaistes 4:1-16

8/23/15 “Losing The Lord” Luke 2:41-49

8/16/15 “God Is Able” Luke 3:2-14

8/09/15 “Opening the Door for the Devil”
Ephesians 4:22-32

8/02/15 “Friendship”
Proverbs 17:17, 18-24, 27:6, 9-10, 17 Ecc.4:9-12

7/26/15 “Time” Ecclesiastes 3:1-14

7/19/15 “Stay Right With God” Phil. 1:27; II Pe. 3:17

7/12/15 “Right Perspective For Work” Hag. 2:10-23

7/05/15 “Willing To Walk With God” Gen. 5:21-24

6/28/15 “Rest” Ecclesiastes 2:18-23

6/21/15 “How To Be A Great Man” Matt. 11:7-11

6/14/15 “Encouragement In The Work” Hag. 2:1-9

6/07/15 “Building the Lord's House” Hag. 1:12-15

5/31/15 “Living Under The Sun” Ecc. 1:12-15

4/26/15 "What Manner Of Man Is This?"
Luke 8:22-25

3/29/15 "A Triumphant Entry" Matt. 21:11

1/25/15 "The Question Of The Age" Matt. 16:13-19

1/04/15 “Facing The Future” Colossians 2:4-10

11/25/12 “Some Believe Not” John 6:60-69

10/28/12 “I Believe God” Acts 27:10-25

7/22/12 “Why Do The Heathen Rage?” Ps. 2:1-12

6/24/12 “Making Men Of Valor” Judges 6:1;6-12

4/01/12 “Meeting The Lords Needs” Matt. 21:1-11

3/25/12 “Becoming Moses” Hebrews 11:23-29

3/18/12 “What Are Your Priorities?” Matthew 6:33

3/11/12 “What Tornadoes Teach Us” Job 40:6-14

3/04/12 “Why A Generation Knows Not God” Judges 2; Psalms 78

2/26/12 “No Other” Exodus 20:1-6

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